6th April 1992 Day 261

The Diary
We caught the bus to Songkhla, a town that LP really over-rates. We managed to only pay 9 Baht instead of 14 as we didn't understand the currency. Cheap travellers.

We tried some Thai food for the first time. Mine was bearably hot but it had a very strange tangy taste. Not really to my liking. The topiary wasn't that great either.

Back in Hat Yai we went to our favourite video bar and this time for the price of 2 cokes we watched Dances with Wolves. I finally got to see the end of the film that had been so cruelly cut off on our way to Townsville over  2 months ago.

In the evening Oz reckoned someone came into our room and offered him a massage. I think he was hallucinating - sexual withdrawal symptoms. At least it wasn't the bible bashers that are in town.

At todays exchange rates 9 Baht is 28 cents and 14 Baht is 44 cents. That's a 20km bus ride for 28cents. Bit of a bargain. This site tells me the ex rate on 6th April 1992 and so 9 baht was 46cents back then. Even so, it was pretty good value.

The first time we had Thai food on this trip. We ended up eating in a cafe that was in someone's front garden (hence the topiary reference). Can't remember whether it was no menus or menus in Thai only. Either way we took pot luck and got things we didn't recognise.

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