The Diary
Sally Gunnell looking good - but not good looking - as were Roger Black and Kriss Akabusi. Not much to cheer about in the men's 800, 10,000 and 200 though. Paid to go into a kid's playground thinking it was a park entry fee. We found a decent Buddhist, or was it Shinto, shrine in the middle of nowhere. No amount of good luck charms would change the GB fortunes it seems.
In the evening Graham x 2, Glenn, Andy and I went out for a drink. As usual we spent ages searching around trying to find a decent bar we could afford. At one point we were greeted by oohs and aahs from some particularly gorgeous Japanese women as we entered a bar. "Sit down" said the manager. "How much?" (Ikura) we asked. "one man 25,000 Yen" he wrote. 125quid each, to sit down, before the drinks. No way Jose (Iie). We scarpered before they charged us for breathing the air. We wandered around a bit more and came across a fairly large karaoke cafe bar and they seemed quite keen to have us. We had to eat with our drinks but no-one had eaten anyway so we stayed.
A chinese waitress interpreted the landlord's pidgin English into her pidgin English for us. Her name was something-something-noshi. After getting up and murdering another karaoke number Glenn thought his luck was in with Noshi. They did "Love me tender" as a duet but when it came to the crunch "what time do you finish work?" he was about as close as Tom McKean. Looked good but failed to get past the qualifying round.
Sally Gunnell - the secret love of Graham's life and an Essex girl to boot.
So secret that even I didn't realise it. An ex golfing friend of mine (this is sounding a bit Ronnie Corbett), coined the term 'a Gunnell' for one of those shots where you scuff it but it ends up in much the same place as a proper shot would have, i.e. ugly as hell, but a good runner.