30th July 1991 Day 10

The diary entry 
"Checked out of the hostel after doing our chores - sweeping the floor and emptying the bin. Not really back breaking but it's the only work I've done in the last 6 weeks. We were offered a lift to Canada which we had to turn down because the lure of Omaha was too strong. Did some Blues Brothers shots

by The Loop, walked up Michigan Avenue and hit the beach. Unbelievably, Chicago has a gorgeous beach a couple of minutes walk from the centre. What a life.

Caught the 15:35 train to Omaha despite being delayed by a baggage handler who couldn't have gone any slower if he'd tried and then stopped to explain how his boss wouldn't let him go any faster. The train itself was quite special. Two levels, plush toilets, a dining car, buffet car, viewing car with videos and the usual big reclining seats. We dined on a veritable pot pourri of cheeses and crackers washed down with lashings of hot tea."

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