13th February 1992 Day 208

The Diary
A day of sorting things out. My cheque which was arriving by express post wouldn't be there until the afternoon. I picked up my new glasses and then we all went to the bank to close our accounts and get travellers cheques. Easier said than done. 1.5 hours later I had some travellers cheques but my account was still open and I had to bring in the cheque so they could clear it and then send it to a bank in Singapore and close my account. I had to write out a letter to authorise this and the girl helping didn't have a clue what I should write. "What shall I write?" I asked. "Write what you want to do" she said. "Which is....?" I asked. Blank look. So I made something up.

I received a valentine's card from Christy and a long letter from Rob Hay, bought a mozzie net, flip-flops and numerous other small items. I picked up the cheque at 4pm and dashed to the bank as they said they closed at 4:30pm. No they didn't, they shut at 4pm. What a bank.

I had my haircut for a bargain $7 but it still wasn't as short as I wanted it. We had a Chinese in the evening and the waitress spilled a glass of water over me. Went for our last VBs and bumped into the two Irish girls we'd shared with in Katherine. Left after the first set of a blues band with an image problem. AC/DC's new drummer, Alex Lifeson circa '73, Ken from Magnetic Island on bass and a housewife on vocals and bad dancing.

Rob Hay - ex PW mate who now lives in Noo York. May see him at the end of this week, funnily enough.

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