25th February 1992 Day 220

The Diary
A battered old Perama van took us to the ferry port at Lembar via Mataram.The ferry journey was just as dull as the previous time and dragged on. At Padang Bai we got our free bottle of Coke and caught a much better bus to Candidasa. At Candidasa we were offered a real shit-hole of a room for 7,000rp. No thanks. After looking at several not quite up to scratch places and a superb place that was USD80 we settled on the Wiratha Bungalows for 15,000rp. 3 Canadians than came in and asked for 13,000rp so the owners then came to us and said 13,000. We agreed to be bartered down.
Candidasa Lagoon
The beach was pretty non-existent despite lots of concrete jetties that had been built and the town was just accommodations, shops and restaurants. We spent the evening in a restaurant watching Doc Hollywood.

Doc Hollywood ? What on earth was that? Had to google it as I had no recollection at all. 

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