30th August 1991 Day 41

The Diary
The day history was made. Bob Beamon finally disappeared from the record books and Carl Lewis lost a long jump. And we were there. 

Whilst all the fuss about the long jump was going on Liz McColgan was tearing the field apart in the 10,000m.

We got to sing the national anthem after all. It makes you proud to be British. We stayed so long at the stadium to celebrate that we missed meeting up with the other lads to hit Roppongi for the big night out.

We met the GB team chaplain in McDonalds and he filled us in with a few bits of inside information about the team. Apparently Regis is to run in both the 4x100m and the 4x400m. Earlier today we took some photos of some of the stars by the warm up area. Krabbe fwhooar.

Lisa Martin (Aus) and Yobes Ondieki (Ken) - Husband and wife

Roppongi - didn't get out there this time but in later years spent many a drunken evening there. Usually ended up at Starbucks at 3am trying to sober up.

The greatest long jump competition ever. Even to this day nothing has come close. Read this for more. Even Katrin Krabbe gets a mention. Fwhooar.

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