5th January 1992 Day 169

The Diary
Andy and I arrived early in Coffs Harbour, feeling not too bad after our overnighter, hiked to the hostel and dumped our gear. Went for food, walked to Muttonbird Island, crashed on the beach, went back to the hostel and then picked up Oz and Beth after their trip from Newcastle. Chinese meal and so to bed....
Nice dungarees Beth

Andy amusing himself in Coffs

Pretty short entry - I'm sure we were knackered after the overnight journey really. We probably did absolutely nothing on this day other than hanging around waiting for Oz and Beth's bus to arrive. I'm sure I was moping - bored in Coffs when I could have been in Sydney with Christy. Andy was just hanging around killing time for a few days before heading back to Blighty. 

Sydney to Coffs - 660km

1 comment:

  1. It seems I only owned 2 t shirts in those days (and a very 80s pair of shorts)

