9th June 1992 Day 325

The Diary

We walked into town via the GPO and were accosted by several shansh marnie men, rickshaw-wallahs and salesmen. The worst episode was a group of students who wanted to know about Europe and went about it in the most heavy handed way possible including grabbing Oz, trying to force money on him and chasing us on a moped. We then had a big argument with them but I eventually agreed to tell them about Europe for 5 mins. They never did realise why we were so upset with them. Indians seem to have very little concept of personal space or respect for other peoples feelings especially the desire to be left alone.


We then went to the museum, where we were more of an attraction than the poor collection of exhibits. The building itself was quite impressive though. We had an incredibly bland vegetarian meal at the LMB and then caught a bus to Amber. The palace and fort were very impressive but the hard walk up to the fort didn't really justify the few poor attractions inside. The only decent one was the world's biggest cannon on wheels and that was hidden away in a corner.

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